Outer Body Experiences by Adama Delphine Fawundu
“To move from the oral to the written is to immobilise the body, to take control (to possess it).”
― Édouard Glissant, Caribbean Discourse
According to the great philosopher Anton Wilhelm Amo, “everything that lives exists, but not everything that exists lives.” Feel me in the outer body…
Adama Delphine Fawundu lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.
To view more work, please visit www.delphinefawundu.com or www.instagram.com/adamadelphine
Blue like Black, Black Like Blue in Argentina, 2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Whispers of the Lenape and Ramapo, Bear Mountain, NY 2020
She glides through Usher Fort, Jamestown, Accra, Ghana 2019
Blew Blue, Lagos, Nigeria 2018
Blue like the Wind, Los Angeles, CA 2018
WE, just like Cocadas and Guava Jelly, Bogota, Colombia, 2016
Sun Shine Windmill Blue, Brooklyn, NY 2020
Sun Shine Blue on a Mountain Top, New York, 2020
Krim Whispers…Mano River, Sierra Leone, 2017
In Spirit #1, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 2019
In Spirit #2, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 2019
In Flight on Lenape Land, Brooklyn, 2020
Untitled, Lagos, Nigeria, 2018
Meet Me in Another World #1, Mano, Sierra Leone, 2017