Muxes by Nelson Morales
This project started ten years ago when I started photographing my culture in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. During that period, I already knew my sexual orientation, however I rejected the idea of becoming a Muxe.
The Muxes of Oaxaca are considered the third gender in Mexico, they do not define themselves as homosexuals, they have surpassed this idea. They are rather considered to be a mixture between both genders, and in a constant search for beauty.
They are accepted by society, it is said that for a family it is a blessing to have one Muxe at home, because they are hardworking and care for their parents when they get older.
In my photographic journey, I started documenting their day-to-day life, doing portraits of them in their homes and in their jobs, however with the pass of time, the project became very personal and exciting. I started to establish a special relationship with them. I started to become their buddy, in order to get into their dreams and fantasies. At the same time, I try to identify my own sexual identity and identify where do I belong in that fascinating and sensual world of the Muxes.
Nelson Morales is from Unión Hidlago, Oaxaca, Mexico and currently lives and works in Mexico City, Mexico.
To view more of Nelson’s work, please visit his website or find him on Instagram @Nelsonmoralesmx
Game prohibited
Selfportrait with yellow flowers
The bar
The river
Red fantasy
Ericka and Britany
The great lady
Four-armed goddess